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Saturday, 26 August 2017


We've been together for more than eight years. We lived in Ireland, 30 km from Dublin, in a rented apartment on the €188 unemployment benefit. I had no job because I spent all my time in the gym.
I believed that I would be the champion, and she always did, too. She believed in me. Despite the lack of money, Dee Devlin tried to get me to eat right and always keep my daily regimen. She dedicated herself to it. Coming home after an exhausting training session, she always said, 'Conor, it's okay, you can do it!
Now I earn millions of dollars. 50-70 thousands of people come to watch me fight. I can afford any car, clothes, or house I want. I want to give her all these things and more. She's still here, telling me that I can achieve any goal I want. - Conor McGregor
They seem like a lovely couple. Keep living the dream!


Checked into Islamabad airport with family today on 24/08/17, we were flying Serene Air, ER503 at 4pm, got boarding passes for pre-assigned seats 2C,2D,2E,2F and headed to the departure lounge. 30 mins later my elder son Muhammad's name was announced and when i approached was informed that we have to change his seat with 4F, i refused and the guy left. Then came the supervisor and she told me there has been a system and we have been wrongly assigned seat 2C. I asked her how come error is in same series as other seats, i said that i am sure they want to assign my son's seat to a VIP, she had no answer so i refused to change and the lady left again to come back with another lady who checked us in and again same story started, when i asked for proof there was none and finally the lady told me about how difficult it is for a woman to come to work and that she has a family to support requested me to help her. I asked her to tell me real story and then she told us that Muhammad's seat has been assigned to #Senator#SherryRehman. She requested for help otherwise she would be in trouble so I handed over Muhammad's boarding pass. This is not something unusual in Pakistan and every single VIP has a sense of entitlement as they think they are a superior class! What is even more shameful that our own people like the staff of #SereneAir not only support this but are willing to lie for these so called VIPs.

Friday, 25 August 2017


Those of you who are blaming the school and it's teachers for Maryam's death, stop criticizing the education system. Every school has it's policies and if you don't follow these policies you will definitely face disapproval from the admin. Scolding students for entering the class 5 minutes late and not completing their attendance requirement is only helpful to them in long term. I'm not saying that school was right to not support her on her choices but that is not the only reason for the depression she suffered from. If a student passes away it does not necessarily mean that the education system she studied in was flawed. I might sound heartless while saying this but her mother (maybe due to her emotional state) is only pointing out the negative aspects of school, what about the activities in which school totally supported her (directly or indirectly)? Every student goes under some kind of pressure in school but school cannot individually cater each student's mental health needs, it's primarily PARENT'S responsibility to take care of their child's mental health.
Also the irony is; there is huge difference in Maryam's mother's attitude. The last time we listened to her at prize distribution ceremony she said she was thankful to the school and stated that her daughter was a depressed child who needed your love and you all gave it to her and referred to us as "my Maryams". No idea what has changed her mind now.
We believe whatever we hear on media and start promoting it without knowing the complete facts. There is also stuff we hear from her close friends; like she was depressed due to family issues which forced her to take anti-depressants and she did not get as much attention from her mother as a child should usually get. Then why are we neglecting these statements. If you really want to evaluate the causes of someone's death then look at all the factors first. She was a daughter, friend, cousin, niece and much more than just a student. A young student's death does not mean that the school took away her life!

Wednesday, 23 August 2017


Studying in one of the most competitive institutions and among individuals aspiring for more than the usual goals that an average human being has, my definition of success and my goals in life have altered immensely over the two years that I have spent here in LUMS. From the very beginning, when I first got my toy stethoscope set in grade three, I wished to become a doctor. The wish slightly altered to become a dentist by the time my school came to an end, and now when I am about to step into the third year of my university, I happen to seek a future in business analytics.
The point I am trying to make here is that my dreams also point towards the ultimate goal of becoming a self-sustaining money machine and at times when I take a step back from this thought process, I realize that I have immensely narrowed my way of thinking. It is completely fine, in fact brilliant, to be focused on what one wants to achieve but there needs to be an addition of a few important things whilst this achievement takes place.
This incident might make what I am trying to say, a little more clear. A couple of people in my family went abroad in the past few years to complete their education saying that they would return after a certain period of time but we saw that there was no coming back. They settled there leaving their parents, who are living on medication back at home. There is no harm, in fact, it is important to equip oneself with good education and exposure but that education is (in my opinion) utterly useless when it doesn’t teach a person how to become a human being.
If in the twenty eight years of a person’s life where he/she learns the most and enlightens him/herself with a vast amount of knowledge; he/she is unable to discern how to balance his/her routine, how to respect relationships, how to divide time between each and every individual of one`s family and work, and make time for one`s own self-development, then life has been wasted and lost its purpose.
Realizing all these things makes me want to become an influencer. I want to leave an impact on the lives of people through the example of my life. I want to make people understand that they need to shut their laptop and phone screens, and sit with their families and children in a room and talk to them, ask them about not just their day but their life, how it has been in the past when they weren’t there for them to discuss their life goals, their new friends, their new crushes, their favourite songs, their recently watched television series and most importantly about their time with God.
I want to tell people to educate their families about the correct ways to connect to their Lord, to know that in the midst of their school, their friends, their phones, their Facebooks, their Instagrams and their summer goals, there is a Higher Power that needs to be connected with, before they return to Him without knowing Him and not knowing that they have responsibilities to fulfil towards Him and the people around them because otherwise the journey back to Him would not be a pleasant one and they’d certainly be left with their work laptop eulogizing them beside their coffins.


My daughter starts middle school tomorrow. We've decorated her locker, bought new uniforms, even surprised her with a new backpack. But tonight just before bed, we did another pre-middle school task that is far more important than the others. I gave her a tube of toothpaste and asked her to squirt it out onto a plate. When she finished, I calmly asked her to put all the toothpaste back in the tube. She began exclaiming things like "But I can't!" and "It won't be like it was before!" I quietly waited for her to finish and then said the following:
"You will remember this plate of toothpaste for the rest of your life. Your words have the power of life or death. As you go into middle school, you are about to see just how much weight your words carry. You are going to have the opportunity to use your words to hurt, demean, slander and wound others. You are also going to have the opportunity to use your words to heal, encourage, inspire and love others. You will occasionally make the wrong choice; I can think of three times this week I have used my own words carelessly and caused harm. Just like this toothpaste, once the words leave your mouth, you can't take them back. Use your words carefully, Breonna. When others are misusing their words, guard your words. Make the choice every morning that life-giving words will come out of your mouth. Decide tonight that you are going to be a life-giver in middle school. Be known for your gentleness and compassion. Use your life to give life to a world that so desperately needs it. You will never, ever regret choosing kindness."
SOURCE Amy Beth,

Tuesday, 22 August 2017


I’ve realized that we expect young girls to know certain things without giving them the opportunity to learn them.
They’re not trusted with a car alone but are ridiculed for not knowing how it works and what goes into fixing minor glitches.
Girls in green playing national/international sports invite all kinds of jokes/criticism/snipes but an average girl is teased for not knowing the mechanics of tennis/cricket/soccer.
They’re not trusted with their accounts/property dealings but are mocked at for not knowing the technicalities of these complicated transactions.
They are not allowed to spend more time out of the house with their friends without a Damocles sword hanging over their head to return home before it’s “too late” and yet they’re told they’re too compulsive and don’t know how to engage with people.
They’re not encouraged to participate in our ever so passionate drawing room conversations on politics and the world but they’re criticized for not knowing enough about how the world’s running. (Sit back, shut up and listen.)
If they’re not born genius, they’re soon relegated to obscurity of the “ordinary girl” (Too bad she doesn’t act like a computer at the age of 5. No use sending her to college.)
They're not a liability but they're turned into one. No second chances.
They’re hastily put into rigid binaries of “different” and “ordinary” and that’s supposed to be a compliment.
They’re not taught self-defense yet they’re called weak.
You’re just a girl. You don’t know how the world works.
Yes. Because you made me so afraid of falling down that I never had the heart to try. I “arranged whatever pieces came my way”

Sunday, 13 August 2017


Hardwork is important, sure, and I don't mean to discredit your achievement but, at the same time, it's important to draw a line because, guess what? You're 16 or 17. 

Students like these fuel the race to the top, where kids have to take more subjects in their O levels for them to have some semblance of self worth. During O levels, kids go through major self esteem issues, get depressed and develop mental health problems because of their inability to cope with intense stress levels at a young age. The last thing they need it to be told or feel is that their number of 'As' aren't worth much because other kids have more. 

But also, 66 As? Really? You're a kid. Do things that other kids do. Are 66 As a good enough reason for you to compromise on your childhood? Trust me, you would still have a pretty great chance of getting into a good university even if you had 50 less As. As a society, we shouldn't espouse such values. Doing exceptionally well in academics isn't the end all be all. Sure, study. Work hard, but strike a balance because there are other equally important, if not more, things out there in life that require your attention. 


Friday, 11 August 2017


She left her family, boyfriend, German nationality and everything she had for our country, Pakistan and migrated to Pakistan, and never went back. 
Dr. Ruth Katherina Martha Pfau was the name of a saintly woman who left Germany in 1950s and dedicated 55 years of her life fighting leprosy in Pakistan.
 It was due to her that in 1996, Pakistan was declared by World Health Organization (WHO) to have controlled leprosy, one of the first countries in Asia to achieve this goal. 
Leaving her own parents, siblings, love of life and people/nationality for our country, there is no way that we can pay her debts and this morning, she passed away at the age of 87. 
Thank you #RuthPfau for everything. Just everything that you've done for our people, country and making Pakistan, one of the first Asian countries to be leprosy free!

Wednesday, 9 August 2017


Okay, so here goes: Yes, Ayesha Gulalai has made serious allegations and yes, they should all be investigated (including the corruption charges she made).


No, that doesn't mean you can attack her person, her family, her ethnicity. Yes, you are free to have doubts over what she's saying. No, it doesn't mean its a given that she's lying just because she didn't come forward earlier. 

No, it's not okay to talk about her 'izzat' or her sister's. Yes, Imran Khan has the right to ask for an investigation. And no, that doesn't mean she was a) asking for it, b) had asked Imran to marry her, c) got money from the PML-N and d) has disrespected 'Pakhtun' tradition. We don't get to comment on her father or her sister or their 'izzat'. 
We do get to comment on investigations and processes. We also get to ponder over how impossible it is for a woman here to come forward with any such issue because the lynch mobs -- men and women -- will happily shred her to pieces.

How hard is it to understand how to react to harassment allegations?

Monday, 7 August 2017


Guide: Get your First Order

Fiverr is the best platform for you  !!!
It's a freelancing website through which you can earn money in $$$.
Are you new to Fiverr?
Are you desperately willing to start off?
Are you still waiting for your first Gig Order?
You are at the right place. This post should help you immensely, I am sure.
"Not to dishearten you, but to give you a heads up, let me tell you the truth. Getting started here and getting the first order is not that easy. It is not that simple. But if you are dedicated and passionate about selling your services here and make some money, it is very much possible. I will tell you what to do to start off. This will really Help You! Follow these and you will be happy one day - very soon!"
First thing is to make a portfolio. Do you have it already? List your skills and write about them in a Notepad/Word document and keep that handy. Write what you know and what you can do with these skills. You will need it when you make Gigs.
Go to Fiverr Academy and read through the various topics, systematically.
Go to Fiverr Blogs and read various articles that people write there. These will be very helpful for anyone - old or new.
Read posts in the Fiverr Forum and ask questions if you have.
INSTALL MOBILE APP - very important thing to do. It keeps you connected on the go, when you move away from the computer.
Along with the above, start building Gigs.
Make additional Gig Accessories - photo, video, PDF portfolio etc.
Share your gigs online on various Social Media.
Make Multiple Gigs separately for each of your skills. Make multiple gigs on your Best Skill and make them look different in their content and accessories.
Most Important Thing To Do: Scan through the Buyer's Request page every now and then. This is where the Mobile App comes handy. Apply on the job requests posted which you think you can do with highest quality and as per Buyer's requirements. You can apply on 10 such requests in a day. Trust me, 10 is a huge number if you restrict yourself to the best quality offering.
"Do these things everyday religiously. Repeatedly. I am sure you will land on your first order soon. You have to be patient at this point in time. When some get their first order on Day 1 itself, others need to wait for months. But if you are dedicated enough and Really Want to work here, you will get that eluding first order very very soon!"
All the best
Let's Learn & Grow Together!

Saturday, 5 August 2017


Murderous Mary, the elephant that was hanged for murder, 1916

Mary was a five-ton Asian elephant who performed in the Sparks World Famous Shows circus. Her death is sometimes interpreted as a cautionary tale of circus animal abuse during the early twentieth century. Only a few days after being hired, September 12, 1916, Red Eldridge, a hotel worker hired as assistant elephant handler, lead Mary to a pond to for a drink and to splash around. Eldridge led the elephant parade, although he was not qualified. On the way to the pond Mary bent down to eat part of a watermelon. Eldridge, being impatient, prodded Mary behind the ear with a hook. Mary went into a rage. With her trunk she grabbed Eldridge, tossed him against a drink stand, and stepped on his head.

According to reports at that time, after crushing Eldridge's head Mary, calmed down and didn't threaten anyone. But with all the commotion everyone began to chat "Kill the elephant"! A blacksmith tried to kill her by shooting over a dozen rounds into Mary which had no effect.

Word quickly grew of the incident, nearby towns wouldn't allow the circus in to perform if Mary was part of the show. Some reports indicate that Mary had killed trainers in the past and that made communities even more hesitant. After much pressure, circus owner Charlie Sparks reluctantly decided to squelch public fear and save the reputation of the circus by publicly executing Mary. On a foggy and rainy September day in the nearby town of Erwin, Tennessee, a crowd of over 2,500 people gathered at the Clinchfield Railroad yard to watch the execution of Mary. The elephant was strung up by her neck with the use of a chain connected to a railcar-mounted industrial crane. As she was hoisted up the chain snapped and Mary fell, breaking her hip. Many children watching the spectacle ran in terror. Finally with a heaver chain the second attempt was successful in killing Mary. She hung for half an hour until she was declared dead. After the execution Mary was buried next to the tracks and she was known as "Murderous Mary".

Wednesday, 2 August 2017


I am writing this merely to remind you of how special and important your soon-to-be wife is. And if you don’t see how precious, beautiful, smart, witty, sarcastic or unique she truly is; then you don’t deserve to marry this wonderful person.

She’s going to drive you absolutely insane. She’s going to make you want to constantly bang your head against a hard object. She’s going to make you eat her ‘amazing’ food. She’s not going to let you leave the doors or windows open because she’s afraid lizards would enter the house.

She’s going to make sure that the house is at the brim of perfection, and will kill you if you dare move an object. Her OCD will sometimes kill you. She’s going to force you to watch a movie with her and fall asleep half way through. She’s going to make you want to rip your hair out every now and then. But if you’re not going to be able to love her a little more each time she does any of these, then you don’t deserve to marry her.

If you love, respect and appreciate every cell in her being, I will love you like I do my own brother. But if she ever sheds even a drop of tear because of you; I want you to remember that I know exactly where the knives are kept. And I do have a fair idea about how to manipulate people. People, including the judge. After all, I’ve lived with our common interest, all these years.

Treat her with the greatest love you are capable of. Treat her better than she could have ever wanted or imagined. Treat her exactly how you would want anyone to treat your daughter. Treat her like you were dying of thirst, and she’s the most sweetest drop of water. Because that’s exactly what she is.

Take your vows and promises very very seriously. Love, respect, appreciate and nurture her all you can. After all, I’m sharing the love of my life with you.

The girl who’s going to be constantly barging into your house.

Open Letter by Ritu Girish | fanpost | Instagram: @thescribbledstories