Guide: Get your First Order
Fiverr is the best platform for you !!!
It's a freelancing website through which you can earn money in $$$.
Are you new to Fiverr?
Are you desperately willing to start off?
Are you still waiting for your first Gig Order?
You are at the right place. This post should help you immensely, I am sure.
Are you still waiting for your first Gig Order?
You are at the right place. This post should help you immensely, I am sure.
"Not to dishearten you, but to give you a heads up, let me tell you the truth. Getting started here and getting the first order is not that easy. It is not that simple. But if you are dedicated and passionate about selling your services here and make some money, it is very much possible. I will tell you what to do to start off. This will really Help You! Follow these and you will be happy one day - very soon!"
First thing is to make a portfolio. Do you have it already? List your skills and write about them in a Notepad/Word document and keep that handy. Write what you know and what you can do with these skills. You will need it when you make Gigs.
Go to Fiverr Academy and read through the various topics, systematically.

Go to Fiverr Academy and read through the various topics, systematically.
Go to Fiverr Blogs and read various articles that people write there. These will be very helpful for anyone - old or new.
Read posts in the Fiverr Forum and ask questions if you have.
INSTALL MOBILE APP - very important thing to do. It keeps you connected on the go, when you move away from the computer.
INSTALL MOBILE APP - very important thing to do. It keeps you connected on the go, when you move away from the computer.
Along with the above, start building Gigs.
Make additional Gig Accessories - photo, video, PDF portfolio etc.
Make additional Gig Accessories - photo, video, PDF portfolio etc.
Share your gigs online on various Social Media.
Make Multiple Gigs separately for each of your skills. Make multiple gigs on your Best Skill and make them look different in their content and accessories.
Make Multiple Gigs separately for each of your skills. Make multiple gigs on your Best Skill and make them look different in their content and accessories.
Most Important Thing To Do: Scan through the Buyer's Request page every now and then. This is where the Mobile App comes handy. Apply on the job requests posted which you think you can do with highest quality and as per Buyer's requirements. You can apply on 10 such requests in a day. Trust me, 10 is a huge number if you restrict yourself to the best quality offering.
"Do these things everyday religiously. Repeatedly. I am sure you will land on your first order soon. You have to be patient at this point in time. When some get their first order on Day 1 itself, others need to wait for months. But if you are dedicated enough and Really Want to work here, you will get that eluding first order very very soon!"
All the best
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