I am writing this merely to remind you of how special and important your soon-to-be wife is. And if you don’t see how precious, beautiful, smart, witty, sarcastic or unique she truly is; then you don’t deserve to marry this wonderful person.
She’s going to drive you absolutely insane. She’s going to make you want to constantly bang your head against a hard object. She’s going to make you eat her ‘amazing’ food. She’s not going to let you leave the doors or windows open because she’s afraid lizards would enter the house.
She’s going to make sure that the house is at the brim of perfection, and will kill you if you dare move an object. Her OCD will sometimes kill you. She’s going to force you to watch a movie with her and fall asleep half way through. She’s going to make you want to rip your hair out every now and then. But if you’re not going to be able to love her a little more each time she does any of these, then you don’t deserve to marry her.
If you love, respect and appreciate every cell in her being, I will love you like I do my own brother. But if she ever sheds even a drop of tear because of you; I want you to remember that I know exactly where the knives are kept. And I do have a fair idea about how to manipulate people. People, including the judge. After all, I’ve lived with our common interest, all these years.

Treat her with the greatest love you are capable of. Treat her better than she could have ever wanted or imagined. Treat her exactly how you would want anyone to treat your daughter. Treat her like you were dying of thirst, and she’s the most sweetest drop of water. Because that’s exactly what she is.
Take your vows and promises very very seriously. Love, respect, appreciate and nurture her all you can. After all, I’m sharing the love of my life with you.
The girl who’s going to be constantly barging into your house.
Open Letter by Ritu Girish | fanpost | Instagram: @thescribbledstories
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