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Tuesday 22 August 2017


I’ve realized that we expect young girls to know certain things without giving them the opportunity to learn them.
They’re not trusted with a car alone but are ridiculed for not knowing how it works and what goes into fixing minor glitches.
Girls in green playing national/international sports invite all kinds of jokes/criticism/snipes but an average girl is teased for not knowing the mechanics of tennis/cricket/soccer.
They’re not trusted with their accounts/property dealings but are mocked at for not knowing the technicalities of these complicated transactions.
They are not allowed to spend more time out of the house with their friends without a Damocles sword hanging over their head to return home before it’s “too late” and yet they’re told they’re too compulsive and don’t know how to engage with people.
They’re not encouraged to participate in our ever so passionate drawing room conversations on politics and the world but they’re criticized for not knowing enough about how the world’s running. (Sit back, shut up and listen.)
If they’re not born genius, they’re soon relegated to obscurity of the “ordinary girl” (Too bad she doesn’t act like a computer at the age of 5. No use sending her to college.)
They're not a liability but they're turned into one. No second chances.
They’re hastily put into rigid binaries of “different” and “ordinary” and that’s supposed to be a compliment.
They’re not taught self-defense yet they’re called weak.
You’re just a girl. You don’t know how the world works.
Yes. Because you made me so afraid of falling down that I never had the heart to try. I “arranged whatever pieces came my way”


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