It is so easy for you to quantify us with us a single lower case letter. It is so easy but you don’t know how the student feels. That letter is a brand on every students back regardless whether it being and A, B, C or D. It completely dehumanises every student in every single way possible to a single meaningless lower case letter. The esteemed system that is Cambridge international Examinations vows to be truly fair and just while dealing with these grades that determines every student’s life. Why wouldn’t it be? Surely they know that every student slaves away whenever the season comes around when their life is completely hijacked by tuitions and their studies if it hasn’t already been since the start of year. Surely they must know that these grades either crush their hopes of going to a good college or further elevates them? Then why don’t you give students the grades they truly deserve? The grades that work day and night for and still those students who have every right to an A must dread the thought of getting back their results because they don’t know if the examiner marked them properly. The daily mail UK published in an article that 122,500 children appealed for their grades to be overturned in the year 2015 and 23,200 had their grades changed. What do you say to the rest of the 99,300 who felt they did not receive the grades that they studied for? What do you say to a young adult whose hopes and dreams of going to his or her dream university have been crushed because the examiner marked them half-heartedly, not giving a flying fuck because to them we are just a single lower case letter. What do you say to an individual who wanted to enjoy his or her last year in school but can’t because they have to give retakes of the same subject they spent hours learning just so they wouldn’t have to face a situation like this?
The Cambridge International Examinations are a business plain and simple. It is the truth that every student who goes through this godforsaken system knows. You don’t believe me? Well ask any student whose ever had to get their paper re-checked. The systematic way all the levels of checking have been set almost makes a person believe that they give you a shit grade purposefully so that you have to go through that demeaning and painful process, so that they earn an extra buck.
Finally this is to all those students that have been disheartened by the grades that they received, DON'T LOSE HOPE. You are meant for great things in life, a single lower case letter does not define you; don’t let a grade define you, because that is not you.
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