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Tuesday, 26 September 2017


Your university, by all the definitions in the world, is not a university. You, by all the definitions in the world, are not treated as students. You are not treated fairly, and that should be enough to shake your conscience. But I don't think you even possess a conscience. Your conscience comes alive when your university only wants it to, as we all saw recently when the parking was seized. Your conscience was never nudged before, not even slightly. Your conscience is never nudged when there is a fee hike, or when administration shuts you down vehemently.
So, the thing is that degree of oppression has reached its pinnacle. Now is the time for you to raise your voice. Do something. Do anything. Challenge them. Resist them. Show a symbolic fight. Change things. Change things because time or system or any help from any other side won't change it for you.
University is changing your course timings, without even consulting you. Because lets get one thing straight: you are not important enough to be consulted for things that directly affect you. Students are the last thing this university will ever think about, unless you do something to change it, but would that ever happen? Are you even willing to resist the draconian administration? Your course timings might not have been changed, but there'd be someone in the university in his last or second last semester, and there'd be conflict in course timings, so their degree will be delayed. And then there be someone else. So on and so forth. Ad nauseam!
Parking should not have been seized. It was a bad thing. But why university was even expecting us to protest? There's a perpetually shrinking space for dissent. There's no protest culture, no student activism, no student body. Nothing! So, where exactly are we studying. What exactly are you willing to do? What exactly are you even afraid of? Stand with the oppressor or stand with the oppressed. Don't stand in between. Don't stand with both of them. Do something for heavens sake.
By love serve one another, they say. What an ironic motto. The only apt words that should replace the current motto should be taken from Dante's inferno. The hell gate on Ferozepur road should read as “Abandon all hope ye who enter here.” This will go on. If you are not affected now, someday you might be. This is not about you and me. This is about current and upcoming students, and it's about their future. More importantly, it is just wrong. This is about time you force them to revisit their regimented modus operandi.


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