How is it not banned?
Pakistani government officials are having a huge investment in this currency. Inspired by its growing economy, Pakistan has invented its own cryptocurrency named Pakcoin then how can it be illegal? I have my folks in FBR, they are only taking actions against those who are involved in money laundering otherwise all the huge Bitcoin affiliating sites would have been banned in Pakistan, but guess what? None of them have been! So stop spreading false news just because you are not investing in it!
Pakistani government officials are having a huge investment in this currency. Inspired by its growing economy, Pakistan has invented its own cryptocurrency named Pakcoin then how can it be illegal? I have my folks in FBR, they are only taking actions against those who are involved in money laundering otherwise all the huge Bitcoin affiliating sites would have been banned in Pakistan, but guess what? None of them have been! So stop spreading false news just because you are not investing in it!
How is it not haraam?
Since there is always a risk of facing a loss if its value goes down (There is a really remote chance of it), So it is not haraam! It is just like buying shares of a company. If you call company's shares haraam too, then stop using ALL company's products since all the companies survive on their share market.
Since there is always a risk of facing a loss if its value goes down (There is a really remote chance of it), So it is not haraam! It is just like buying shares of a company. If you call company's shares haraam too, then stop using ALL company's products since all the companies survive on their share market.
The price is rising, it will fall down too!?
No it won't! I guess Microsoft, Dell, Amazon, Paypal, Wordpress and Intuit have better economists then you are. If they are investing a huge amount in bitcoins then they must be having an idea about every side of it better than you.
No it won't! I guess Microsoft, Dell, Amazon, Paypal, Wordpress and Intuit have better economists then you are. If they are investing a huge amount in bitcoins then they must be having an idea about every side of it better than you.
*People who will try to ruin it by saying the sole purpose of this post is marketing must know that it is not. My buyers are mostly foreigners and I have better platforms to sell my bitcoins out at really good rates. This is just for those who want to invest their amount in something good but are not due to such a fake news.*
Through freelancing, I am earning a handsome amount, however, I believe I have made a good amount of profit from bitcoin which is enough to keep me engaged in it.
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