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Monday, 11 September 2017


But after spending all your life fearing the inevitable death. Revolving around the sun every year, realising that the end is nigh. Figuring the disease in your liver. Disturbed by the blurry vision and stammering voice. And wishing that the clock could go backwards and you could live your life again confronting what's only essential in life. By cutting down all what was redundant, painful and horrible. That doesn't happen. The clock can't go backwards. After all that, sometimes at your deathbed, all you need is a little reassurance. To combat eternal nothingness, perhaps all you need is someone who could tell you: hey if we weren't mortal beings and death was a random thing, I wish you had lived more. I wish you could go on for a very long period. But that doesn't happen. If we could live forever, why would we even wake up in the morning and go about our shit. There always will be a tomorrow. But that's the beauty of life, there always isn't a tomorrow. And we do run out of time. So as long as we are here, Carpe Diem. That's all one wishes to hear at deathbed, I suppose. DO THAT.

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