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Saturday, 2 September 2017


Ahem, Coke Studio! Where do you think you are going? Sure, your episode quality seems to be improving a bit but that's not good enough now, innit? I take precious time out every Friday to listen to all of your songs and recently, I have been quite disappointed. Let's look at Episode 4's offerings.
Naina Moray (Javed Bashir, Akbar Ali and Aamir Zaki's Solo)
This is perhaps one of the finest Coke Studio productions of all time. I would highly recommend people listening to Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan singing Naina Moray, but to stick to Akbar Ali's part, he blew my mind. Javed Bashir never lets anyone down. Aamir Zaki's solo was all about feels. You will be dearly missed, Sir! This is what Coke Studio is all about. 10/10
Julie (Ali Zafar featuring Parchi/Daniyal Zafar)
Ali Zafar is like Coke Studio's John Cena. He moves the merch and is capable of great things, but he barely ever puts in the effort. This was a Rockstar rip-off. I hated it. I have no clue why they even mentioned Danny boy because he just stands there and looks pretty. The lyrics are tacky and the music is cringeworthy. AZ may have realized it mid-way. It explains why he decided to flex his biceps in the middle of a Coke Studio performance. Well done, AZ. This was beautiful garbage. Ugghh. 3/10
Jindjaani (Ali Hamza and Nirmal Roy)
Hmmm. This was pretty average. Nirmal has a beautiful voice and Ali Hamza sings well almost all the time, so I have little to complain about. At the same time, though, I have very little to excite me about this. 6/10
Lathay Di Chaadar/Whatever Farhan Bhai Sang (Farhan Saeed and QB)
I am confused. I really like Farhan Bhai's voice. He is like a reliable dude who can sing certain songs well. No denying that. QB can be super mercurial when she wants to be. She is capable of great punjabi singing (Sammi meri Waar), and then she is capable of murdering Latthay Di Chaadar. At first, I seemed to like it. On multiple listenings, I am shocked at the creative decision to use her for this song. They should have gone for someone like Fariha Parvez or Nirmal Roy. A lighter voice wouldn't have made this merry and joyous tune sound like a funeral dirge. Blegh. 5.5/10
Just look at the numbers. #BringRohailHyattBack!


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