No, that doesn't mean you can attack her person, her family, her ethnicity. Yes, you are free to have doubts over what she's saying. No, it doesn't mean its a given that she's lying just because she didn't come forward earlier.

No, it's not okay to talk about her 'izzat' or her sister's. Yes, Imran Khan has the right to ask for an investigation. And no, that doesn't mean she was a) asking for it, b) had asked Imran to marry her, c) got money from the PML-N and d) has disrespected 'Pakhtun' tradition. We don't get to comment on her father or her sister or their 'izzat'.
We do get to comment on investigations and processes. We also get to ponder over how impossible it is for a woman here to come forward with any such issue because the lynch mobs -- men and women -- will happily shred her to pieces.
How hard is it to understand how to react to harassment allegations?
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